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    Thread: Engine burned it's oil in a month

    1. #1
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      Engine burned it's oil in a month

      I checked my oil level about a month ago, everything was fine. This morning I went to start my car, it's turning, but doesn't fire up, I check the oil level, there is absolutely nothing left in the pan O_O I went to get some oil, put it in, still the same, I never saw any oil drops under my car, so it burned right through it.

      Anybody experienced the same problem? At least it's still under guarantee...

    2. #2
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      Never seen that problem on an Aveo, no oil light on?

    3. #3
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      i would think your oil light would come on if no oil is in it. how much did you have to add?

      it would not have burned through that much without clouds behind you while you drive, did you check the coolant?

    4. #4
      Should I keep it?
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      There's an oil light? It never came on and the pan was empty, I had to add 4 quarts of oil to fill up and the engine finally decided to start again.

      I'll call the dealer tomorrow to start an oil consumption test. It's frustrating, I can't accept oil consumption on an engine that has 30 000km, that's stupid!

    5. #5
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      did you check the coolant?

      are you sure its not leaking out? are you sure it was in there in the first place?

    6. #6
      Should I keep it?
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      I'm sure there was oil, I checked the level a month/month and a half ago, I didn't check the coolant yet, will do so in 20 minutes and come back later...

    7. #7
      Should I keep it?
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      So which coolant were we talking about? Looks like I have none or not much left because I can put my fingers in the reservoir and all I feel is air... Looks like a head gasket to me! Extremely weird that it never overheated (I'll put some distilled water in it tomorrow) or give me a CEL...

      Is there an oil level light for sure? Mine is a 2007 bare bone model with A/C and fog lights...

    8. #8
      Still love my daily driver Nemasys's Avatar
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      The oil light is in the clock cluster in the middle of the console (same place where the cel, battery and other problematic lights are), when you put the key to on position before you start the car, the light should come on for a sec or two.

      The light comes on when the oil drops below a certain pressure, not because the oil level is too low (there is an oil pressure sensor near the oil filter)

      You are saying the engine has 30k on it and it burned thru 4L of oil in a month and a bunch of coolant? A blown headgasket is highly unlikely on an engine this new. There is also only 1 place to chek the coolant, its the tank with the yellow cap on the upper right corner of the engine bay (you can see the tank in my signature picture above the battery)

      By the way how is it possible that you only have 30 000km on a 4 year old car? Did you get the engine replaced?
      > 2010 Mazdaspeed 3
      - Fully built, GT35R, 500+ whp

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    9. #9
      Should I keep it?
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      The oil pressure light should have come on then, but it didn't, without enough oil left to lubricate the cylinders I'm sure there wasn't much oil pressure!

      Yeah I checked the coolant at the right place, as I told you I can put my fingers as deep inside the reservoir as I want, they come out dry. My reply was kind of a joke because there's no coolant left that's why I asked "So which coolant were we talking about?"

      My car only has 30 000km because the last owner (until december 2010) didn't use it much, he used to take the bus to go to work and when he moved with his girlfriend they used her car, I got it at around 18 000km and put 12 000km on it in 7 months.

    10. #10
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      An engine can "maintain" pressure even a few quarts low.

      If you have no oil and no coolant, but insist you saw no signs of either leaving, then i think someone must have stolen them.

      low mileage old cars can have a many problems as high mileage old cars. they are just different problems.

      you need to fill both up and this time see where the fluid goes.

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