Driving home with my 3 year old son and the car just quits on me. I crank and crank and it's a no start. Then my 3 year old says Dad, I smell fuel! I get the car pushed into safety and realize the fuel line has come off of the intake. Looks like that white plastic fuel line retaining clip could be bad. Any clue where to get one or how to order it? Does the whole line need to be replaced? I see lots of different fuel line retaining clips on auto parts online stores, but not sure which style to get.
Once I got it started, I had a bad shudder, but only in reverse. Put it in drive, no problem....reverse with the brake on and car stopped and it's starts shuddering, almost like an axle shaft is rubbing against built up snow, but that's not it. Once I start moving in reverse, it gets better but still there. Any thoughts?