Figured I might as well ask a stupid question. Now that I just had my last BIG repair doneIf there is nothing wrong with the fuses, is there any reason to replace ALL of them, in the fuse box in the engine,....maybe the ones by the drivers door to. I mean, as a preventive measure. Does it make any sense to just replace them all at once?
Since I just got stabbed with a $525 repair, because of the AGE of my car, NOT miles, my struts wore out due to age, not mileage. So, these little fuses, are just thin plastic, with thin wire going through them. Are they wearing out in all that engine heat? Is time/age degrading them?
Would a mass replacement of them be a 'preventative move? Or just a waste of money? Guess thats it. So..would it do any good? Or is it just a waste of money?