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    Thread: Leak at firewall

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Leak at firewall

      I just finished having the head rebuilt because of the timing belt idler blowing apart (I have all kinds of info on this, so ask). Well after putting it all back together, I have a coolant leak at the firewall. It's the hose that coming from the head.
      Does this connect to the heater core or are there other parts inbetween?
      Any help is welcome. Thanks.

    2. #2
      What's wrong with my car?
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      I have the same leak i think.
      It is the engine to heater hose, my (tear/rip in hose) leaks exist just behind the clamp.
      I'm having difficulty replacing this because access to the engine side of the hose is difficult.
      I drained some of the radiator coolant so the the leak does not happen
      My Question:
      Do I have to remove the airbox, throttle body and intake manifold to get access to this hose anyone? Is it possible to get access from the top or underneath of the engine?
      Much appreciated.


      2005 Chevy Aveo 1.6L Manual.

    3. #3
      Why is my car so slow?
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      I just ran into this same problem today. I came to the forum for answers but I couldn't find a great one. Nobody really had any "tips." I figured I'd share how I removed and replaced this hose.

      My 2004 five speed started leaking from a pinhole in the heater hose (the one stemming from the center of the block). I pressure tested the system to locate the leak, and then began biting my nails, worrying that I'd have to remove the intake manifold and a whole bunch of other things just to replace a stinking hose. But with a little redneck ingenuity I was able to pull it off with only removing one part. Here goes:

      Get underneath the car, put it up high on jack stands.
      Remove the starter assembly (two long bolts on the starter itself (10mm), and three nuts to the wires (2x12mm, 1x13mm). The starter should basically fall out.
      Once you have the starter removed, you should be able to see straight up to where the hose connects to the outlet on the block. In my case, the prongs for the squeeze clamp were facing the wrong direction (upward toward the hood). This was problematic because the intake manifold braces are tunnel-like and C-shaped, and the hose goes right into one of these "tunnels." There is no room to get pliers or a tool on that clamp. This is when I got creative.. I took a length of wire, and doubled it over, and looped it up over BOTH prongs of the squeeze clamp. The wire was long enough to where I could wrap my hands in it (wear gloves) and heave-ho until the clamp rotated enough to where I could fish a pair of water pump pliers up there and back the clamp off of the outlet. The clamp on the firewall is easy to get to and remove.

      When putting the new hose back on, I lubed it up and put a screw clamp on it, facing DOWN. I put a socket on the screw and used every extension I had, which made it easy to tighten the clamp using a ratchet from below the car. Note that the new hose was a length of standard heater hose from autozone and it was STRAIGHT, without the unnecessary bends that the stock ones have for some reason. I put a squeeze clamp on the firewall end of the new hose, pressure tested the system, and reinstalled the starter.

      Filled it up with coolant, ran the engine and cycled the heater until it reached operating temperature. No runs, no drips, no errors.

      Hope this helps you guys in the future!!!

    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      It connects to the heater core directly and that's it. I was able to get the hose off behind the head without removing starter. I just went in from the top and worked it with big screw driver to get off "head hose" and the hose from firewall is easy enough. I put on gear clamp after on hose head with screw at certain angle so I can tightened.

      After doing any work on cylinder heads or engine take out, replace coolant hoses!! Mine just had the head gasket done before leaking badly as well! Within 500km of having my head gasket done etc, my coolant (INTO heater core) lines started leaking at firewall.

      Added picture for
      2005 Chevy Aveo elements of cooling system

      Name:  elements of 2005 chevy aveo cooling system.jpg
Views: 9036
Size:  11.5 KB

      Quote Originally Posted by elasowipeo View Post
      I just finished having the head rebuilt because of the timing belt idler blowing apart (I have all kinds of info on this, so ask). Well after putting it all back together, I have a coolant leak at the firewall. It's the hose that coming from the head.
      Does this connect to the heater core or are there other parts inbetween?
      Any help is welcome. Thanks.

      Last edited by Aveo-Man4; 11-24-2016 at 05:25 PM.

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