I just bought about 4 months ago a 2006 Aveo Hatchback with 35000 Km.![]()
I could hear a squeeking noise coming from the front of the vehicule. Also, when I turned, I did a deep clunck. I suspected the top plates bearing. I took the car to the dealer, and they found nothing. They told me they've check the suspension and direction of the vehicul and everything was tight. When I arrived home, I lifted the vehicule. By turning the wheels left to right and moving them up and down I heard a knocking noise. I can see the shock moving from left to right and knocking. Dealer told me it was normal ?!![]()
Should I trust? I've never seen that before. Also, the car has now 44 000 Km and the shocks are leaking. Has this happened to one of you?
Thanks for your help!![]()