So I'm backing out of a parking lot at Lowes and my left rear tire is locked. I'm thinking what the hell...Check the E brake knowing I never use it. Nope, it's not on. So I rock the Aveo automatic back and forth until it finally breaks loose. Drive home and everything seems fine. No drag, no brake noise. Get out and check for heat with my hand on the axle cap. (no hubcaps). It's dark so I would check it at daylight. On the way home today, had the same issue. Rocked it back and forth until it broke loose and slowly limped home. Has anyone else experience this problem ? I'm thinking something broke like a spring tensioner for the shoes. So I'm researching on-line and find 2 different scenarios on removing the brake drum. One is removing the axle nut, and the other removing the 2 phillips head screws to remove the hub and access the shoes. Can someone give me insight on this ?
Thanks in advance