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    Thread: Losing what seems like all engine power

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Exclamation Losing what seems like all engine power

      I have a 2009 Chevy aveo5 LS. My car runs fine but then will randomly lose power and by power I mean that no matter how far a push down on the gas pedal it wont accelerate. When this happens it's like turtle speed trying to pull into a parking lot or anywhere to get off the road. I noticed this last time that if I shut my car off and then wait a couple minutes it will drive fine but the check engine light stays on for a little bit and then turns off. Every time I have tried to get it scanned at any auto parts store it shuts there scanner down and are unable to check anything. Anyone know what would be the problem? I have read a lot of people saying catalytic converter but I'm not sure if thats my problem. ANy help would be greatly appreciated

    2. #2
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Really need to get the OBD code. Try a different scanner at another shop. And you can also do this to maybe figure out if it's engine-related or transmission. Next time it happens; back off the gas completely, put it into neutral, and then rev up the engine. You don't have to go overboard on reving it up - just punch down and let up a few times. The engine will either be rough (misfiring), or it will rev and sound fine. After that, with the revs down, put it back into drive (I'm assuming it's an automatic) and confirm that it's still not accelerating properly.

    3. #3
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      have you had the spark plug / coil pack recall done? how many miles do you have?

      i would suggest a plug replacement, only because i have installed different types of plugs and had the same situation.

      your problem could also be a fuel issue, whether pressure, or monitoring (maf or o2) both of these sensors would keep the light on, the fuel pressure would not. I have own cars that could drive 15-20 minutes, then the fuel pump relay would overheat, click off, and the car would die. then letting it cool the car would start and drive until it over heated again.

      codes if available would be best, but if your car is predictable at doing it, hooking it up to a live data scanner would be best.

    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      did you ever figure out what was causing this?

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