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    Thread: My Aveo Imobiliser activated. How do I use my key to bypass it?

    1. #1
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      My Aveo Imobiliser activated. How do I use my key to bypass it?

      My Aveo (2007) engine turns but won't start. Flashing red light on the dashboard clock suggests activated imobiliser??? I have my original ignition key with a "red eye" on it but I don't know how to use it in this situation. It doesn't seem possible to open the key so I guess it has no battery. The "red eye" on the key does not light up when I squeeze/press the key. I'm stuck and have no money to go to auto-electricians. How can I get my Aveo to get going again? PLEASE HELP!!

    2. #2
      Should I keep it?
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      I have an immobiliser on mine, but it has a flashing blue light to show when it's activated. It has locked up the car before when it got bumped while washing (quite sensitive), but all I had to do was lock and unlock once and then it came right. Sorry, I've got no real advice, but good luck and let us know if you come right.

      My keys look like this, and the immobiliser part can be opened and the battery replaced if need be. Are your keys different?

      Name:  DSC_0407[2].jpg
Views: 3705
Size:  92.0 KB

      Last edited by NirvAveo; 08-05-2016 at 04:54 PM.

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