My son came over with his 2008 Aveo with the CEL on. Codes P0137, P0301, and P2270. The car was running very ruff I could hardly get up my ramps. I do not know how long these code have been up. So I checked for leaks and bad connections. Found none replaced both O2 sensors. The downstream pulled the threads out of the pipe. Luckily a thread chaser worked. Being the car was running so bad I did a tune up, plugs, air cleaner, oil and filter. I cleared the code started the car it died, took a few tries to even run. It is running very rough still and you can smell the rich fuel going through.
So I have unplugged the negative side of the battery and will try to morrow. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions I’m old school still learning this TEC stuff.
Thanks For any input you may have