I turned off my Aveo LT yesterday, went into a store and came back out. She would crank, but not start. I went and retrieved it today and took it to Advanced to see if it was throwing any codes. I have a series of seven codes:
P2106 Throttle Actuator Control System Forced Limited Power
P2110 Throttle Actuator Forced Limited Revs Per Min.
P2101 Throttle Control Motor
P0106 Manifold Absolute Pressure /Barometric Pressure Sensor
P2106 Throttle Actuator Control System Forced Limited Power
P2110 Throttle Actuator Forced Limited Revs Per Min.
P2101 Throttle Control Motor
I don't want to willy nilly start replacing parts and none of the associates at Advanced had a clue.
Does anyone know what I'm looking at or where to start?