Got a new Catalytic Converter. The old came out easy. Got me a new Harbor Freight Electrical Impact Driver. So I was ready to put the new one back into the car...except I don't have the seals.

Here is the picture:
Name:  2014-12-21 14.48.39.jpg
Views: 3132
Size:  305.9 KB

I see an inset that goes around a channel on the converter. Should I have gotten that in the box? I did order seals they have not arrived (damn you post office) and they were drop shipped from someplace other than my converter.

Also here is a picture of the working end of my old converter.
Name:  2014-12-21 14.48.48.jpg
Views: 2944
Size:  309.4 KB
Can people clean up the gunk on the converter and extend the life of them?

I found the gasket, should I have ordered these:
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