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    Thread: O2 sensor location

    1. #1
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      O2 sensor location

      Help me save some bucks on a manual.. where is the location(s) of the O2 sensor for my 2009 Aveo.. I did pop open the hood and believe that it is sitting in front on the intake manual..correct.. and am I correct that there might be another one downstream?

    2. #2
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      the front of the engine (side actually) closest to the bumper is the exhaust, not the intake. RIGHT in the middle of those pipes almost top front canter is the primary o2 sensor. That is sensor 1. It you look at the pipes they go into a boxy looking short pipe right before bending to go under the engine. if you look from under the car, on that bend right before the pipe goes under the engine is the secondary o2 sensor.

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      CrazyDave (04-03-2016)

    4. #3
      Should I keep it? rwags's Avatar
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      I've also got a question about the upstream O2 sensor. My question is, do I need a thin walled socket to get at the old upstream O2 sensor? I just got a new O2 sensor from Rockauto.com an NTK 25189 sensor along with an O2 sensor socket made by Lisle # Lis 12100. I'm trying to take out the old O2 sensor and it seem that there is something blocking me from getting the socket onto the old sensor to take it out. I even made sure there was not anything obstructing the socket. I know it's the correct socket size because I tried the socket out on the new O2 sensor and it works.

      My question is, do I need a thin walled socket to take out the old sensor?

      And the old electrical connecter is a pain to disconnect, I haven't been able to get that thing to budge apart at all.

    5. #4
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by rwags View Post
      My question is, do I need a thin walled socket to take out the old sensor?

      And the old electrical connecter is a pain to disconnect, I haven't been able to get that thing to budge apart at all.
      I bought a O2 socket from my favorite cheap Chinese tool import harbor freight
      7/8 in. Oxygen Sensor Socket

      Works fine on my 2006 aveo. I was never able to separate the electrical connector. Luckily I just replaced my CAT and it made the codes go away
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    6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to xintersecty For This Useful Post:

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    7. #5
      Should I keep it? rwags's Avatar
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      Got the new one installed...The old one was so hard to get off...had to warm up car and use some WD-40. Also The Harbor Freight O2 sensor worked great Xintersecty!Name:  IMG_20160406_212652.jpg
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    8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to rwags For This Useful Post:

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    9. #6
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Is there a secret to get the electrical connector to let loose? I was never able to figure it out. And your welcome! Harbor Freight to rescue.

      Oh by the way don't throw away your old one, you can heat with a torch and recover it. Look it on the internet and keep it as a back up.
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    10. #7
      Should I keep it? rwags's Avatar
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      Getting the electrical connector off was a challenge for sure. I used a pipe wrench also called a plumbers wrench. On the side that has the O2 sensor, I held onto connector with wrench, and used a box end wrench to pry the connector off....BUT also while pushing down on the tab on the other side of the connector. It was a handful getting it disconnected.

    11. The Following User Says Thank You to rwags For This Useful Post:

      xintersecty (04-07-2016)

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