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    Thread: Odometer doesn't remember what happened yesterday

    1. #1
      Should I keep it? Lola's Avatar
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      Odometer doesn't remember what happened yesterday

      Lola's got alzheimer's.... 04' Sedan. I noticed it when I hit empty at 130 mles.... Every time I start it it's at 85 miles. Trip 1, 2 and lifetime does it. Sometimes it'll start at where it shut down at but that's 1 of 10. Is the Odometer Guage the only thing that could be the reason? I don't think the ECU records mileage.. so it's gotta be a bad Odometer right?

    2. #2
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      thats interesting.

      is there a memory battery fault?

    3. #3
      Should I keep it? Lola's Avatar
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      Memory battery? I'm not sure... As far as I know digital odometers retain memory regardless of battery..... I've just read a few articles of other vehicles with the same issue.... bad odometer.... think its time to get order a new one... maybe I can find a website I can order it from with 120K (correct)... The only one in the Anchorage junkyard is at 170k

    4. #4
      fbc is offline
      Should I keep it?
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      You can see Russia from your bedroom window, you might try shouting across to see if they have one. (lol,lol,just kidding)

      I doubt you are going to find a place you can order it with the mileage you want. if you do, let me know, I can up the resale value on mine. Thanks.
      Last edited by fbc; 12-07-2012 at 02:18 PM.

    5. #5
      Should I keep it? Lola's Avatar
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      It got so bad that the numbers disappeared completely. A few years ago the clock on my off road Subaru lost it's digits and went blank. I read up on it and it was easy solution with a soldering iron and a dab of solder. After the digits in the Aveo disappeared completely I remembered that Subaru Clock deal and pulled the cluster out of thee Aveo and looked at the pins around the odometer. BAZINGA!!! Broken solder joints where the pins connect into the board.

      That straight row of connections is the odometer.

      The first pic you can see the crack ring in the solder on the left side pins.

      The second pic you can see the next few warmed up, expanded and showed their breaks after I heated up and soldered the first two. I did'm all Works like new. It's been months since any part of a number showed itself till that free fix on the kitchen table. She's also cured of Alzheimer's and remembers and adds miles!

      Last edited by Lola; 03-21-2015 at 04:38 AM.

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