I've just replaced my valve cover gasket as well, its pretty simple. The gasket is about $30 plus $5-7 for silicone.
I've just replaced my valve cover gasket as well, its pretty simple. The gasket is about $30 plus $5-7 for silicone.
Sorry to keep this old thread going but I too have discovered oil on spark plug tubes 3 & 4. Everyone says it just a valve cover gasket that needs to be replaced but wouldn't the tube seals also need to be replaced? It looks like that would be the main cause of the oil leak but then again I am no mechanic so the possibilities of me being wrong are pretty good.
some engines have separate oring gaskets for the spark plug tubes and some just have a 1 piece this is the aveo 1.6, spark plug tubes are sealed with the 1 piece gasket
Thanks for this info.I'm going to try it out.
What's the correct spark plugs to be used in a 2008 chev aveo 1.6?Do I've too use what the manual says?
Just look for the spark plugs online, the sites will also tell you the correct gap as well (and on the plugs when you recieve them)
2008 - Spark Plugs - AVEO - CHEVROLET - SummitRacing.com for example, just google it, you will find a ton of different brands.
Go by whatever manual says in short
Though, how does shipping work over there exactly? Do a lot of companies ship to your location?