Long time no see. I have been busy this summer. Here are my excuses
1) Worked picked up and I had to get a lot of projects done
2) I moved into a new house
3) I got a boat and had to work on the boat
4) I got a hot girl friend and took her out on said boat
I just now getting to take care of my cars. Changed the oil in the Aveo three weeks ago and ripped and put back in the transmission on ford ranger. So today and lunch I replaced the spark plugs and wires as they are due for service. I am at 96000 miles.
I noticed on cylinders 2 through 3 (looking at engine left to right) I noticed oil on the spark plugs. I cleaned it out best I could and put the new wires and plugs back into the engine. Some oil did get into the clyinders. After I started the engine the blue smoke of death rolled out the exhaust and then cleared up.
I have a couple of ideas
1) I could have spilled some oil when I changed the oil
2) the head gasket might be leaking
3) The oil cap was not tight enough
I am thinking 1 or 3. I will remove the engine cover later this week to make sure stuff is still ok. Any other ideas?
And I am glad to be back!