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    Thread: P0017 How do I rotate exhaust cam so the slots line up and stays in that position?

    1. #1
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      P0017 How do I rotate exhaust cam so the slots line up and stays in that position?

      What am I doing wrong? I replaced the entire timing kit, including both sprocket gears. This'll be the 4th time I tear it back down bc I keep getting P0017. Sure enough, the cam locking tool won't fit in the slot bc the exhaust cam is of center. I keep rotating it so it lines up, insert the locking tool, but it won't stay. When I remove the locking tool the cam pops itself back out of line. How do I get it to stay aligned?? Also, the cams don't rotate freely. They turn in "steps" or "lunges", not sure how to describe it. Anyway, the correct position for proper alignment lands in between a step. It won't stay put! How do I rotate exhaust cam so the slots line up and stays in that position when I remove the tool?

    2. #2
      2004 1.6 Auto Rust Free
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      You have bad cam gears or solenoids. Just because it’s new doesn’t mean it’s good.

    3. #3
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      I also have a 2009 with the same engine, and have had fun replacing the timing belt and pulleys. But not the cam sprokets. Sorry, I am going to need to ask a couple of dumb questions before i can provide some thoughts:

      When you say: "I keep rotating it so it lines up, insert the locking tool, but it won't stay". What locking tool are you referring to? Front or back? Everything needs to be first locked-down with a locking tool at the back of the cams before you can even think about using a locking tool on the cam sprockets. Once you insert the flat steel bar at the back of the cams to lock the two cams together (a bit of a struggle), then the cams can't move. And then you can do what needs to be done with a different locking tool on the cam sprockets. It has to be done that way. Lock from the back first, then lock at the front. Otherwise, impossible to install the cam sprockets correctly, and impossible to install the timing belt correctly.

      Just my thoughts. If you are already doing it this way, and you are still having problems, then i suggest your locking tool for the back of the cams is probably damaged, and causing it to slip out. If that locking tool for the back of the cams is holding, then everything should hold still for installing the cam sprockets.


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      There is 2 timings on the cam 1 aligning the cams with flat tool on the cam end slots and then the cam sprockets withe the cam sprockets locking tool and that one is set with the sproket seting bolts under the sprocket cap with the torx head but if that is off or sprocket are replaced moved or bolts loosened you will need new ones every time another and hold the cam with the hex on the cam to tighten the bolts as the slot along tool will not do it and break the cam ends off

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