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    Thread: Puzzling fuel problem

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Puzzling fuel problem

      So i have a 2006 hatchback with 143k miles on her.
      She's one of the super basic models.

      I'm having issues keeping her running nicely and I can't figure out why. So here goes.

      My car runs great until she doesn't. You will be driving along and all of a sudden she will just "hiccup". She will suddenly kick on the check engine light. She will run very roughly like she's low on gas. You can not accelerate at all she will do 10mph max flooring it makes no difference. This often happens at a stop but it's extra fun at 60.... The car doesn't immediately drop speed she coasts like you took your foot off the pedal.

      To correct this 99% off the time its stupid. You turn my car off count to 3 turn her back on. She's good. Occasionally you need to try a few times. You don't need to pump the gas or do anything at all. Just off and back on and she will run perfect again.

      The check engine light goes off after 4 starts.
      I had it checked after an instance and it gave me a throttle body error.

      So we replaced her throttle body : no difference.
      I've added heet to the gas tank: no difference
      I've changed the fuse to the fuel pump: no difference
      I've given her a new battery: no difference
      I've installed a new exhaust system: no difference
      I pulled her ac fuse because it seems to happen more often with the ac on and my dad thought her ac pump was failing and putting to much load on my engine so we disabled her ac by removing the fuse: no difference.

      It doesn't seem like the pump itself I shouldn't get immediate correction turning it off then right back on.
      We don't believe it's the fuel filter for the same reason.
      It doesn't seem to be an object in the tank because this happens with the tank totally full. I've also run the tank to nearly empty and had her drive like an Angel.

      She's still getting 30+ mpg freeway.
      This issue can happen several times a day or it can happen once a month. There is no pattern nothing we can say always triggers it.

      I'm at wits end. I can't spend money chasing this problem. I have 4 kids in car seats so it's not worth having a mechanic tear her apart for thousands to try find this problem but my dad is mechanically inclined as is my partner shop if we could get an idea what to fix we might be able to within the budget I can afford to sink into her.

      I'll take any guesses you have that I could test.

      Last edited by Jewelfae; 07-29-2021 at 05:42 AM. Reason: Typing errors

    2. #2
      Should I keep it?
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      Unfortunately, these types of issues can become a process of elimination instead of just targeting the exact issue immediately.
      The Fuel System I would start at the beginning: Fuse and Fuel pump relay (which I think you took care of just the fuse?). Fuel pump; Is it starting to fail? Sometimes they die slowly rather than just quitting all together. Is there an obstruction in the tank that is able to shift and block the fuel suction at the base of the Sending Unit (the internal screen filter in the tank can fall apart)? Fuel filter; has it been changed? Same issue with obstruction from debris can block the fuel delivery. Fuel regulator; is it leaking fuel and do you smell gas at times? Fuel pressure; Is it normal? Fuel Injectors; they need firing signals from sensors. Are you getting any codes if checked to a code reader (AutoZone and places can do this for free even with NO check engine light on). And last but for me I would check first; Electrical wiring and grounds. Make sure there's no loose wires or a ground that is broken or failed. I know its a list but it seems to be me if all these items are reviewed you may be able to solve the issue.

    3. #3
      2004 1.6 Auto Rust Free
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      See if a garage can read your old stored, and historical codes with a real garage grade scanner. It may help. Otherwise it may be a chasing game.

      A wild guess may be the sensor on your air snorkel hose….also remove the hose and check for cracks around it.

    4. The Following User Says Thank You to Eg.h2o For This Useful Post:

      2010AveoLT (08-02-2021)

    5. #4
      LXV-SCOOTADRIVE, ON! 2010AveoLT's Avatar
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      the big clue here is that your car is a 2006, which is the first year of the "drive-by-wire" electronic throttle; i ran into a similar issue with Scoot after i cleaned her throttle body by removing it; she would occasionally stall out and would immediately restart. the solution that worked for me was performing an idle relearn, and the stalling stopped for good. (you'll have to find someone with an advanced enough scan tool that has bidirectional control.)

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