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    Thread: Radio and Clock

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Radio and Clock

      I recently changed my alternator and battery and i know i have to enter a code for the radio but i can't turn it on,

      I also have the problem of the clock resetting when i open the door or turn off the key.

      I have checked all the fuses and they are all ok ......Is there a fuse ( like in the older cars under the dash attched to the wires ) .

      I would appeciate if someone can help me . 2004 Aveo


      Last edited by Johnnie Jellybean; 03-05-2012 at 07:29 PM. Reason: make of car

    2. #2
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      There is a fuse box inside the car (drivers side) and another one under the hood (drivers side) for a total of two if you did not see them both.

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Quote Originally Posted by Johnnie Jellybean View Post
      I recently changed my alternator and battery and i know i have to enter a code for the radio but i can't turn it on,

      I also have the problem of the clock resetting when i open the door or turn off the key.

      I have checked all the fuses and they are all ok ......Is there a fuse ( like in the older cars under the dash attched to the wires ) .

      I would appeciate if someone can help me . 2004 Aveo

      Thanks Thehunterooo, i have checked both of the fuses ( inside drivers side and the under the hood also ). It is like there is no power coming into the wires that you plug the radio into .

    4. #4
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      Do you have the ignition key turned to the on position when you test the radio wires for current? What are you using to test for electrical current?

    5. #5
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Quote Originally Posted by wuwei37405 View Post
      Do you have the ignition key turned to the on position when you test the radio wires for current? What are you using to test for electrical current?
      Yes i had the ignition switch to the on postion, my brother in law had a GM radio that had the same plug and he tried with his radio and it didn't work either , so i am wondering if there is another fuse under the dash attached to the wires that is burned .

      He tested it with a electrical tester and it was like there was no current coming in from the wires, i don't see how that when i changed the alternator that the wires would not work after .


    6. #6
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      Just for the heck of it, change the radio fuse that is inside the car (bottom one right in the middle) just in case. I also wonder if something is shorting out somewhere.....if all the fuses are good then I would move on to looking for any sort of short. Also could be a poor ground somewhere.

      I have burnt out my radio fuse 30-40 times I do not believe there are any other fuses on that track anywhere else, GM did one thing right this time

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