I saw a old thread where the repair manual was avilable, and i was hopeing that some one who was able to down load it could share it with me. I would really appreciate it.
I saw a old thread where the repair manual was avilable, and i was hopeing that some one who was able to down load it could share it with me. I would really appreciate it.
i have it, but not sure how to share it.. its big, like over 500 mb..
500mb? that is huge, what the hell is the file type?
best method would probably be to shove it in a .torrent file
I'd be willing to help share the bandwidth requirement for that
The more people who get it, the more bandwidth you have :P
utorrent.com should help you with that
I want it too, which is why I'm willing to help with bandwidth :P
I could download it in less than 5 minutes on my connection at school, its beast
i have 30mbps in and out.. bandwidth is not a problem. My wireless tops out at 12mbps though.. and yes it is that fast.
i'll check about the torrent file, but its the tracker acceptance that i have had in the past when i create a new torrent.
maybe i'll just upload it to my server and link it off aveo network. Its a pdf "page by page" files broken down by chapter and section in folders..
lol why do you need so much speed rabbit?
If you can that'd be appreciated.
http://tracker.torrent.to:2710/announce is a tracker my friend uses...
DHT is good to have available (distributed hash table), and most torrent programs allow peer exchange
I'm a huge fan of utorrent on windows, and transmission on other platforms (anything linux or mac based)
They tend to do the best job.