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    Thread: Scheduled Maintenance Service

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Scheduled Maintenance Service

      The Chevy dealership gave me a maintenance checklist of what needs to be done every so many miles. At the 30K mileage mark, I noticed that services for fuel injection cleaning, brake fluid exchange, and transmission fluid exhange, are recommended. I own a 5-speed 2008 Aveo5 with 36.7K on the ticker. My question: Do the above services have to be done at this time? The Owner's Manual does not include these services as part of the routine maintenance schedule. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    2. #2
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      You can buy yourself a bottle of fuel injector cleaner yourself and dump it in the tank. I wouldn't replace the brake fluid. I've also never heard of a 30k mile change on transmission fluid for a manual transmission.

    3. #3
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      think the dealership is looking for extra money.


      do not run fuel injector cleaner unless you have a problem that is not throwing a code.
      (like poor mpg, but your not sure why and no reasonable explanation.)

      the manual transmission should not need the fluid changed unless you has another issue, until possibly (at the earliest 100k?).

      brake fluid change I think is every __ years and ___ miles, but it does not sound like you are up to its required replacement.
      I personally (if you leave the system alone, no opening it, no topping it off, etc) have never changed brake fluid as maintenance. ONLY replace it if there is a spongy pedal, replace a caliper or some other service where you will be bleeding the system anyhow.

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