My son has a 2008 Chevy Aveo 1.6L I4 with over 100,000 miles. He and a friend decided to "tune it up" by replacing the ORIGINAL plugs (Boy, you should have seen those!) They started the car after they changed the plugs and it ran fine. Then they decided to use Sea Foam in the "vacuum line". Unfortunately, they didn't do something correctly. Now the car won't start. The engine won't even turn over. All it does is click... similar to a dead battery. To make sure we tried jumper cables and it didn't help. They disconnected the large hose in the picture below and poured the liquid in. The car was NOT running when they did this.
Below is a picture of the engine compartment (not his car) with an arrow indicating the hose they disconnected and where they poured in the Sea Foam. They actually attached another line and poured the Sea Foam into the "thing" on the LEFT which I believe is the intake manifold. Any ideas what he can do to fix this issue?
Thanks for your suggestions!