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    Thread: Time for some repairs..

    1. #21
      What do you mean there's no turbo? paulsaveo's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by brendan.melanson View Post
      Yup, it's a growling when turning the wheel but it's been doing it for a bit and mostly during cold weather. Is there a way of fixing it without replacing the pump?

      Secondly, fixed the wheel bearing. Now there's a new sound coming form that area, could it be a axle or CV Joint? They look to be fine but what's some warning signs? Should I take it off the road? How much are each? - It's driving completely fine other then the fact it now needs an alignment.
      Growling in steering is generally a sign that you do not have enough fluid, their is air in the system, or the fluid is contaminated or incorrect, if their are no leaks, you should have someone flush your power steering system.
      What is the new sound? cv axles in most cases have a clicking sound when turning, if the stake nut was not properly tightened down, that can cause movement inside of the inner wheel bearing race which will ruin the new bearing, if damage was done to the ball joint that will cause unwanted movement, if brake pads and calipers were installed incorrectly, unfortunately their are too many components that can cause movement which results in noise to try and get you in the right area

    2. #22
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      if your alignment is that far off you could be hearing the tire wearing. you need to be better at describing these sounds, we can't hear them, don't know when you have them or when they go away, etc.

    3. #23
      I'll keep it and add a turbo brendan.melanson's Avatar
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      Alright, so I should get the fluid flushed and replaced, or should I just top it up?

      The new sound is a little bit of a light metal grinding sound, but at the same time it could sound like the tread stubs wearing off - You know the little pricks of rubber on the side of tires, it could be that hitting the ground and wearing, it kind of sounds that way.

      The brakes are working fine, I'm almost 100% everything was installed correctly. I think I'll have them check the stake nut at school, but it does get louder when you turn hard but doesn't sound like a CV or Axle because there isn't any clicking.

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    4. #24
      What do you mean there's no turbo? paulsaveo's Avatar
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      Make sure your power steering reservoir is full, also check the condition of the fluid, it should almost be clearif it is dark, starting to look the color of engine oil definitely have it flushed. Honestly you shoudnt need to top it of unless their is a leak somewhere. Look along all the components for your steering system if you physically do not see any fluid, their may be an internal leak inside the rack and pinion. the groaning sound while turning is from not having enough lubrication in the rack or a bad pump. when your reservoir is full and cap installed, turn the steering wheel from lock to lock (left stopping point and right stopping point) about 10 times kind of slow then center you wheels and turn the car car off. remove the reservoir cap and let it sit for a little while, this will generally get the air out of you steering system if any. then replace reservoir cap start car and turn wheels lock to lock again if sound is still present and fluid level is still goodit may be time for a new pump or rack.
      the new sound, unfortunately its hard to take a guess, generally speaking a metal sound that changes with speed, is usually (not always) bearing or brakes. even though you just replaced the bearing, if the stake nut on the end of the cv shaft was not properly secured (not tight enough or too tight) can kill a new bearing, if the bearing was not properly installed, it can make noise. Hopefully your issue is something else, bearings are a pain and not overly cheap as Im sure you just found out. your best bet is to find someone you trust to take it for a test drive so they can actually hear the noise.

    5. #25
      I'll keep it and add a turbo brendan.melanson's Avatar
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      It's a little bit above the minimum level, hot. When cold pretty much below it. I checked everywhere for leaks, not a drop is leaking anywhere. It's like a dark wine red or almost black, what's that mean? Ha. So what your saying is, get it flushed, then after do the steering lock to lock about 10 times each way slowly but consistently and it should be good to go if it's not a bad pump?

      How do you flush the fluid? No idea how, but I could probably do it from school if I get some new fluid. I did however have a power steering issue before I went away in December, Seperntine belt snapped and Canadian Tire put on a new one, they also put the hose too close to it and the belt cut the hose so it leaked there. Pump went dry, lost power steering, they replaced the hose and the belt free of cost. Maybe because that whole situation happened, it's their fault the pump is going or it's broke now? Could I tr and hold them liable for it? It does make sense in my head, and to my automotive teacher.
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    6. #26
      What do you mean there's no turbo? paulsaveo's Avatar
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      topping off your reservoir and turning lock to lock would be something to do now, its a way of bleeding air out of your steering system.
      Now keep in mind I am not there to physically see what you are describing, but, from your description of what happened at the tire store, a cut hose will leak out your steering fluid, no fluid going through the pump can definitely burn the pump. after replacing the hoses and filling the system, without bleeding the air out, you would end up having a fluid level below what is normal. new fluid going through a burnt pump will get dark. If you have any receipts from them replacing the hose (anything showing they worked on your power steering) for power steering, I would definitely take it back. If you do not have any record (receipt) of them working on your power steering, if they do not want to own up to what they did or try to help you out, it could become a "he said she said". as for flushing the system, I am not sure of a do it at home method, i have a power steering flush machine I use at work.

    7. #27
      I'll keep it and add a turbo brendan.melanson's Avatar
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      Well they didn't give me a receipt but it's on the computer record there at Canadian Tire with my phone number. Here's how it happened, on one day they replaced the belt but moved the hose to close to the belt, the belt chafed the hose and it leaked and all the fluid went out - Lost power steering, and this was about 3 weeks after the belt being changed. So I took it in, with little to none argument the agreed it was indeed their fault. They replaced the hose, flushed the system, put in new fluid and away I went - No growling or anything, then a little later it started just when we got the lower temperatures.

      So I'll go lock to lock and see what happens, but if that doesn't work, what should I do? Just go into Canadian Tire and be like you did this work on my car which broke the hose which then got replaced but because the hose broke the pump was running dry and now it's burnt out. How do I get them to do it for free? Because it is their responsibility but they could say "it could have gone anyway".
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    8. #28
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      thats about it, its most likely their fault, as they caused a failure that drained the pump, you have documentation.

      a dry pump will have scarring in the bearings in a few minutes, that scarring will start to leak, and make noise after a while. how long has it been since the work was done? if it hasnt been very many km, they might own up to it, if its been 1000s, your going be putting in you own pump, or converting to manual..

    9. #29
      I'll keep it and add a turbo brendan.melanson's Avatar
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      Okay, going into Canadian Tire tomorrow.

      As for the bearing, whenever I'm going it's making a whistling sound of some sort almost. However, as soon as I touch the brakes it stops?

      Could it just be a brake pad touching the rotor or something of such? Tire wobbles a little bit, but I think the bearing is in properly and everything
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    10. #30
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      could be brakes, could be the bearing issue still, its hard to pin point a noise over reading a post on the internet.

      if it stops when hitting the brake, i would start with the brakes. its very easy for disassembled brakes to make noise when put back together. the wobbling wheel could be alignment, rotor mounting screw, balance, or bearing.

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