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    Thread: Aveo local fuel economy

    1. #1
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      Aveo local fuel economy

      In SA it cost R8.70 per liter of petrol... yes over here we do not use the word "gas", "gas" is what we use for the gas stove

      My Aveo when I drive it hard it does an avg of 12.8km per liter, and when I drive normally like a grandma I can get up to 16km per liter..

      BTW major service (90 000km) cost at GM SA R2800... wow now that ridiculous!
      o yes and mine does only have a 45lt fuel tank... for a 1.5lt not comin over here...my old hatchback had a 55lt thank.

    2. #2
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? serega12's Avatar
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      Re: Aveo local feul economy

      And what would that be in MPG? And the prices, could you convert those to USD please?
      2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
      ​2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS/TC - SOLD

    3. #3
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      Re: Aveo local feul economy

      12.8 KM/L converted to MPG is 30.11 / 16 KM/L converted to MPG is 37.63

      and R8.70 = $1.16 and for the service R2,800.00 = $374.06

      Crazy right??!!!

    4. #4
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? serega12's Avatar
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      Re: Aveo local feul economy

      MPG is really good. Gas... sorry, petrol is a bit high, since its around 4$ per gallon. Is that at least premium??

      And for the services - it sounds about the same as the prices at a dealer over here. To change the timing belt at 60,000 miles they quoted me $360+. You could do it at a shop somewhere else for half that.
      2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
      ​2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS/TC - SOLD

    5. #5
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      Re: Aveo local feul economy

      they say it's premium, but no one nows

      What's the petrol price over there?

    6. #6
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? serega12's Avatar
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      Re: Aveo local feul economy

      $3.37/Gallon for premium at a Shell Gas Station.
      2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
      ​2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS/TC - SOLD

    7. #7
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      Re: Aveo local feul economy

      i think $4 a gallon for where you are is cheap compared to what i hear from the rest of the world?

      can i ask without this becoming political, with the value of the US dollar falling, and the fact that oil os bought and sold based on the US dollar worldwide (from my understanding) has your prices for gas gone up or down?

      Also, where does your country buy most of its gas from?Does it import oil? does it to its own refining? I often hear the US sells all of its oil to europe. And we buy our cheaper crappier oil from the middle east, which from all i can tell is true. I often wonder why europe doesnt just buy the oil there themselves for the lower dollar..

    8. #8
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Re: Aveo local feul economy

      I often hear the US sells all of its oil to europe. And we buy our cheaper crappier oil from the middle east, which from all i can tell is true. I often wonder why europe doesnt just buy the oil there themselves for the lower dollar..
      I don't think what you are hearing is true. In the US, where your oil (and gasoline) comes from largely depends on where you are located. In the Northeast, we tend to be supplied with imported Saudi oil, simply because we have seaports to receive it from oil tankers. There is nothing inherently inferior about Saudi crude. (Oil is oil, and the various grades of it are universally acknowledged.) From what I've heard, our western states get much of their oil from Canada. But the West coast (California) uses oil that is mostly of American origin. California has substantially higher gas prices than the rest of America due to that, and it's been that way for a long time.

      In recent years, our gasoline is now 10% ethanol. The dilution reduces the price at the pump a few cents, but now that a portion of our corn production is being used for alternative fuel (instead of for edible corn products and animal feed) it has increased the overall cost of our food substantially. As with most untested plans, what initially seemed like a good idea was offset by an unforeseen consequence.

    9. #9
      Should I keep it?
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      Re: Aveo local feul economy

      Our biggest oil refinary is local called "Sasol" and we do import petrol namely "Shell" and "BP"...

      yes the rand is strong against the used but our government is so corupt, it is effecting our economy... here we have a strong rand and oil prices is stablelising but petrol went up by R0.56 in 2 months time...

    10. #10
      What do you mean there's no turbo? LarsBud's Avatar
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      Re: Aveo local feul economy

      We make so much oil here in Canada, but we pay throw the nose at the pump.
      Now we will be paying tax on our fuel tax, so it will go up again.
      Here in Waterloo, Ont. the gas pump price is between .94 to $1.00 Liter (always goes up for the weekends)

      Always make the best of what you have!

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