Joe, i want to help you out here, obviously all the spaces need to go.. but they are there so you can see it. from your host server on photobucket, choose the "direct" link where it only has the http address. Your choosing image with link, and then putting it in here as a picture, thats why all your pictures have the brackets with img on each side.
all you need is the link in the img brackets: which you are given the brackets automatically when you chose the "add a picture" icon.
[ img ] ht tp://i1202 .photo bucket.c om/albums/bb367/aveojoe/th_0 1-chevy-z-spec-son ic.jpg [ / img]
take out the spaces you get this:
but that is also the address of your thumbnail.. so you want to full size picture:
so in conclusion, just select and copy the direct link on photobucket, and then paste that into the box that comes up when you click to add a picture...
just paste what you are already using into the body of the post and not into the add a picture.