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    Thread: 2007 Chevrolet Aveo5 (Garage entry)

    1. robzomie10 is offline Should I keep it?
      Join Date
      Nov 2011
      General Information
      Red (soon to change)

      I bought this car in 2009 with 34K miles. I was doing alot of traveling at the time and almost instantly fell in love with this car. While living in el paso I put an sri on and im pretty sure with the sand and everything down there thats why my tps went kaput not once but twice. Finally got her back home in 2010 still running strong. In the winter of 2011 she slid into a creek and broke the rack and pinion and busting the power steering pump. I got that fixed just to get her back on the road. Only other damage at the time was the bumper being split in the middle and the radiator slightly bent and the radiator support bracket. 1 year later hit a deer. Or I should say he hit me and damaged my fender enough to catch on the door bendong the hinge. 20 $ fix and she sealed right up. Hit a bird causing a windshield replacement. I do believe that is the story of her rough life. Now running strong with upwards of 125k.


      Just stock 14 inch honda civic 5 spokes

      Currently working on aftermarket fenders. Ive already debadged the front grill. Did that in 2010 just shortly after
      I got the car.

      Interior righw is just steering wheel cover. Shifter cut sho. With new ball and boot.

      7 inch touch screen which the cd/dvd quit working


      Currently only have an sri. Will be upgradong to cai and xiogarys header which I aquired from khanartist which I owe a huge thanks too.

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