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    Thread: 2009 Chevy Aveo5 Front End Torque Specs

    1. #1
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      2009 Chevy Aveo5 Front End Torque Specs

      In the process of changing out the control arms/ball joints, outer tie rod ends, and stabilizer bar links since I know my alignment is off, car shakes at high speed and tires are wearing unevenly.

      As usual, it didn't go as easily as one would hope. The front/horizontal control arm bolts were seized in the bushing sleeves. After trying pen lube for a couple of days without success, I ended up just cutting them out with an angle grinder and saws all. So now everything is in place and ready to be torque'd down once I receive the replacement bolts which will arrive in the mail later this week.

      Meanwhile, I've been doing some searching on the torque specs for all related bolts and I've been getting mixed #'s. I've seen everything from crank it down until it's "good n tight" to 81 ft lbs on the control arm to frame bolts and 30-40ish ft lbs for tie rod ends and some use Loctite and other choose not to...

      Being a Harley guy and wrenching on my bike numerous times over the years, I have found, hitting torque values and the use of Loctite is critical. I figure it is here as well and in any case, I'd like to make sure I do the job right.

      So after all that, does anyone know the Chevy torque specs for the control arm mount bolts, the lock nuts for the ball joints, tie rod ends, and the stabilizer link? And if Loctite is used, what strength (med, high, etc...)?

      I appreciate the input.


    2. #2
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Here are specs for the 2009 Front End suspension

      There is a mention of using thread sealer on the Control Arm rear mounting bolts, but nothing about how strong it should be.

      Ball Joint-to-Control Arm Nuts - (150 N.m/111 lb ft)
      Ball Joint-to-Knuckle Nut - (55 N.m/41 lb ft)
      Control Arm Front Mounting Bolt - (110 N.m/81 lb ft)
      Control Arm Rear Mounting Bolts - (110 N.m/81 lb ft)
      Crossmember Assembly Front to Body Nut - (150 N.m/111 lb ft)
      Crossmember Assembly Rear to Body Nut - (150 N.m/111 lb ft)
      Drive Axle-to-Hub Caulking Nut - (300 N.m/221 lb ft)
      Engine Mounting Reaction Rod Bolts - (60 N.m/44 lb ft)
      Knuckle Assembly to Front Strut Bolts - (100 N.m/74 lb ft)
      Piston Rod Nut - (60 N.m/44 lb ft)
      Power Steering Pipe Fittings - (22 N.m/16 lb ft)
      Splash Shield-to-Steering Knuckle Screws - (4 N.m/35 lb in)
      Stabilizer Shaft-to-Link Nut - (50 N.m/37 lb ft)
      Strut Assembly-to-Body Nuts - (60 N.m/44 lb ft)
      Tie Rod End Ball Joint Nut (45 N.m/33 lb ft)
      U-clamp Bolt - (25 N.m/18 lb ft)

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Awesome! Thanks EAD15, everything I needed and then some!

      Have a good one!

      Quote Originally Posted by EAD15 View Post
      Here are specs for the 2009 Front End suspension

      There is a mention of using thread sealer on the Control Arm rear mounting bolts, but nothing about how strong it should be.

      Ball Joint-to-Control Arm Nuts - (150 N.m/111 lb ft)
      Ball Joint-to-Knuckle Nut - (55 N.m/41 lb ft)
      Control Arm Front Mounting Bolt - (110 N.m/81 lb ft)
      Control Arm Rear Mounting Bolts - (110 N.m/81 lb ft)
      Crossmember Assembly Front to Body Nut - (150 N.m/111 lb ft)
      Crossmember Assembly Rear to Body Nut - (150 N.m/111 lb ft)
      Drive Axle-to-Hub Caulking Nut - (300 N.m/221 lb ft)
      Engine Mounting Reaction Rod Bolts - (60 N.m/44 lb ft)
      Knuckle Assembly to Front Strut Bolts - (100 N.m/74 lb ft)
      Piston Rod Nut - (60 N.m/44 lb ft)
      Power Steering Pipe Fittings - (22 N.m/16 lb ft)
      Splash Shield-to-Steering Knuckle Screws - (4 N.m/35 lb in)
      Stabilizer Shaft-to-Link Nut - (50 N.m/37 lb ft)
      Strut Assembly-to-Body Nuts - (60 N.m/44 lb ft)
      Tie Rod End Ball Joint Nut (45 N.m/33 lb ft)
      U-clamp Bolt - (25 N.m/18 lb ft)

    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Thank you, EAD15. Maybe you know also the torque for nuts of sway bar link and bushings?

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