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    Thread: 2011 Aveo5 coolant fans /ac

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      2011 Aveo5 coolant fans /ac

      I had got a 2011 aveo5 looking at for a friend. He had his compressor/Condenser/expansion valve replaced after being told it was bad by a shop after taking it there for blowing warm a/c.

      the compressor kicks on but fans don't work. Lines are warm to touch. Pressures are 30-40/180-200ish. Fans will not kick on with ac engaged, but will if you get it hot. I have power at both high-speed and low-speed relays.

      Ive replaced the ect in thermostat housing, the high-side pressure switch and low speed fan resistor. It has 18oz of freon in it and the compressor is turning on and staying on. I've swapped and replaced both relays with known good ones, with no luck.

      It has codes p0480, and p0481

      Any advice would be appreciated, I cant figure it out

      Last edited by SpaceBound; 03-30-2022 at 06:16 AM.

    2. #2
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Putting aside for a moment the issue of the fans, I assume from the description you provided, that you are not getting any cooling effect from the AC at any time. The AC lines are not feeling cold at any point of time. Is that correct?

      If the AC lines are not feeling cold at any point in time, then i think we need to look closely at the compressor replacement. What brand/model was the AC compressor? Was the replacement compressor new? Or a used compressor?

      Although I am no AC expert, my first thoughts are possibly a defective pressure valve inside the AC compressor, assuming both AC lines do not feel cold at any point of time. What does it sound like when you are driving? Is the compressor making a growling/rumbling sound when you drive? Or is the system operating smooth and quietly?

      However, if one of the AC lines is feeling cold, at least for a while, then we can focus on the fans and their control system.

      That's my thoughts.


    3. #3
      2004 1.6 Auto Rust Free
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      Diagnosis needs to start with the cooling fans. My first step would be to see if they energize when called for.
      most likely you will have to disassemble the fuse box to check the wiring from underneath.
      If yes check relay output for 12v. If yes continue your tree diagram up to the fan.
      if no clicky click at the relay check for called ground from the ecm. Follow tree diagnosis as called for.

      after the fans are repaired then start on diagnosis of AC system.

    4. The Following User Says Thank You to Eg.h2o For This Useful Post:

      Enxebre (03-31-2022)

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