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    Thread: Block Heater

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Question Block Heater

      Hello once again

      I have a few questions regarding a block heater in my 2006 Chevy Aveo. I bought one from NAPA, and I'll post a picture of what I got. It is a Kat's 11405. My dad thought it was weird that it is threaded. We didn't want to break out the freeze plug if it was the wrong heater.

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Views: 1928
Size:  300.6 KB

      We called the dealership, and they gave us the actual block heater part number: 96410176. They said they had none in stock, and it would be a custom order with no-refund if it was the wrong one. They said the heater is $79.05 and $128.61 for the cord (I think I paid around $50 at NAPA for everything) The guy at the dealership said that another dealership a little bit away had one, so we called there and asked if what they had was threaded, and they said it was. They didn't have instructions for installation though.

      We were wondering, will the heater that I bought from NAPA work in my Aveo? My dad also wanted to make sure we knew which port it goes in.

      So what have other people done? How have they removed the plug, and are there threads in the block that the heater just screws in? Will removing the plug damage the threads? We just want to make sure we know everything before we try and install it.

      Andrew K.

    2. The Following User Says Thank You to AKSoapy29 For This Useful Post:

      SILOW (08-19-2016)

    3. #2
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      I recently installed a Kats circulating tank type heater in a different car. Its a universal design and IMO better than the frost plug style heaters. Its also 1000W and you plug that thing in for about a half hour and get a fairly warmed up engine.

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