
I have been working on creating a remote starter from scratch just for fun, and I was wondering if anyone knows the voltage for the recirculation actuator. I would also like to know the correct voltage for the rear window defrost relay. I found the pinout diagram for the HVAC control block, and pins 7 & 8 are for the recirculation motor. I metered the output, and when it is using air from the outside, one is positive, and one is negative. If you press the button, they flip. It was an odd voltage though of around 8.5-9VDC. Is this because of the load? I could just use a DPDT relay to flip the polarity, and an NPN transistor to detect which mode it is in.

Pin 9 is for the rear window defrost relay. I metered that as well, and when active shows a positive voltage of around 8.5VDC. I was also wondering if this is just because of the load of the relay or not, and if I can feed 12V directly into it and not have the relay burn out.

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Has anyone had experience with this and knows what I'm talking about? Thanks,
Andrew K.