piece of cake -I removed both calipers and hung then by a small wire, removed both ball joints from control arm so the strut could swing, removed the drive shafts, removed left side mount completely, disconnected all wires (nice that they are plugs eh), pin for shifter comes out easily but
I actually removed the complete top loader assembly (4x11mm bolts) and stuffed a rag in the trans to keep shat out, put a jack under trans and cherry picker chained to engine hook, removed all engine to trans bolts and gently lowered engine and trans down so left side was easily clear of frame, a large soft blow hammer persuaded the trans to seperate from the engine and the rest is history. I ordered the new Sachs kit online (ebay.com sites wont ship to CANADA eh so I ordered from a known site up in Toronto for $139 -I can live with that -free shipping to boot! Also ordered fresh air intake kit and some lights. Cant wait to wrap this puppy up and start driving it.