Well I have a Pontiac G3 2009 That has oil in the coolant, Yes I Know never showed a temperature of over 1/2 on the gauge I had smelled coolant and decided to check it! popped the hood found a hissing whistling noise and a hole in the heater hose was wrong and not the molded S hose. It was rubbing on the nipple on the intake manifold well figured I was in trouble was at work got my temp gun out and checked head temp was where I could check it 220 F not to hot but was way low on coolant, On replacing the hose the old one had oil coating in it Rats added coolant purged the system ran fine but now have oil in the coolant
Have replaced the oil cooler and gaskets went in the once to replace the gaskets someone used a lot of silicone and there was some in the cooler and there was rust some corrosion in it also, cleaned in a ultrasonic cleaner as had to drive the car and was going to get a new oil cooler, I got a gasket/O ring set off Amazon plain brown box with made in China sticker and package inside that said AC Delco made in Mexico and a GM part numberwell I was committed installed it and it lasted about 2 weeks started leaking on the motor side fitting to block very badly so got the new cooler and replaced everything again, still oil in coolant.
There are only a few places to get oil in coolant Oil cooler, water pump oil pump gasket couple of ports very close to each other, Warped head pulled the valve cover to see if any head blots were lose all seem the same tightness, cracked head or block.
I did a compression check all around 270 to 280 psi no coolant in oil dosent seem to use coolant but have to remove oil I have to pull the head now and check it and replace to oil pump/water pump housing gasket
I had checked the coolant 2 days prior to a trip 380 miles and after so either it went out on the commute to work 120 miles or when I was driving around town for about an hour and smelled coolant as said temp gauge never budged over 1/2 and that is normal, Since this has that plastic thermostats housing and now theorizes it insulates the heat from the head and can over heat and not show it unless overheated coolant touches the sensor, Stupid engineers should have to work on there on work
So to CYA I am going to add a Cylinder Head Temp gauge got a project on my hands only car but have some down time Thank God