I have a 2009 Aveo with around 170,000 miles. I do most of the maintenance myself and/or with a friend that has a garage. I am burning oil and leaking coolant. I gather the leak is the head gasket starting to fail but I keep a daily eye on it and the fluids to level and it doesn’t seem to be getting worse. I replaced the timing belt 2 years ago and feel quite comfortable replacing the head gasket. Machine shops here are backed up and it seems it’s a path of least resistance to just install a new head rather than have the old one shipped out and checked and relapped.
My car is a manual transmission and engine is an lxv. I recently came upon a VERY low mileage/practically new lxv engine with an automatic transmission attached to it. What wiring issues might I encounter, if any, if I bought that engine and attached it to my manual tranny?

I need to do a compression test to figure out if I’m burning oil because of band valve seals or the rings are bad. I’d hate to go through the process of replacing the head only to find out I should have done the rings as well...and at that point, shouldn’t I just swap out for an near zero mile motor??

My dad was the original owner so we know the whole history. I’ve put a lot into the car and it’s a great reliable machine. At this point I’m so familiar with the car that I feel it may be worth doing the swap.

I appreciate any technical input, advice, insight, and more.