What we're doing is taking the first and last post made during the contest period. We stick those post ID's into a random number generator at RANDOM.ORG - True Random Number Service and out spits our winning poster.
In the contest period, there were 1258 posts made, starting from post ID's: 187492 ending at 190784*.
Randomly chosen is...
HA! It picked me! Post #188230: http://www.aveoforum.com/forum/f81/c...40/#post188230
Let's try this again...
Wow - the next random post picked was from a spammer that somehow went undetected. Post deleted! Banned!
Trying again...
Post #188027: http://www.aveoforum.com/forum/f82/m...96/#post188027
So our winner is 06T200! Congrats!!
What are you going to get??
(* In case you're doing the math: about 2000 posts from this total were automatically generated when we upgraded the garage system.)
Holly cow, you mean I actually won? I'm speechless, this never happens, so im not sure. Hmm.
Thanks man, im still in shock! I never win these, but this sure made my Christmas! Now technically MetroMPG won, so im feeling a bit guilty taking the honors of winning. I've gotten sooo much techy help in the few short months since I joined the site, that helped me get both of my Aveo's running great, what a bonus, dang! I can't tell you how thankful I am. Now im off to go buy a lottery ticket LOL
xintersecty (12-24-2014)
Yup, Merry Christmas! And good luck on the lotto!
We'll be doing another contest in 2015.
Congrats! Enjoy your spoils! What are you going to get?
Thanks! Quite an honor to finally win something. Since my LS doesn't have a front strut brace, that seems like a good choice.