1) No trolling. Don't go around looking to start a fight.
2) No flamebaiting. Keep politics out of the forum.
3) Stay on topic. Hijacking threads is fowned upon. If your off-topic digression is so fascinating, go start a new thread!
4) Hotlinking to images and files hosted on this site shouldn't be done if you have other means of presenting the content. If I notice huge amounts of bandwidth being directed elsewhere, it will be stopped.
5) We will attempt to make this community as open and "unmoderated" as possible. This is one of the few ways to make these types of communities flourish. However, we will not be sitting on our butts if something goes totally off.
6) The exception to the rules. Near the bottom of the forum list you will notice the open forum. The only rules I have are (1) no politics, and (2) those imposed by my hosting. No pornography, and no discussing or linking illegal activity.
7) Keep the drama out. If someone doesn't like what you have to say, big deal. Don't reply and turn the thread into a fight.
8) No cross posting. This means don't make 2 posts on the same subject in 2 or more separate forums. If you're unsure about where your post belongs, post it in the general discussion forum. One of the moderators will be happy to move it to the correct one, if there is one.
9) Language. Keep it clean, please. Some Aveo enthusiasts have kids, and would like to be able to share the site with them.
You may find stickies in the forums describing rules regarding to those specific forums. They are meant to work with these rules, and in some cases may supercede these.
An up-to-date list of moderators can be found here: http://www.aveoclub.net/phpBB2/groupcp.php?g=3
Thank you!