Cylinder Head Repair/Replacement
Cylinder Head Repair/Replacement
Last edited by bandf; 07-03-2014 at 06:33 AM.
Cylinder Head Repair/Replacement cont.
Piston - Connecting Rod - Bearing Replacement
wow man you just simplified my life for the weekend im so glad i started this account.
I know we don't have "good karma" awards on this forum, but I think bandf deserves some recognition for the effort he put into this post.
i completly agree and i will let you know as soon as i start it up...
Thanks people, I really appreciate the kind words....I just try to help out when ever I can, I don't like to just take, I like to give when I can. This whole forum is a vast base of knowledge. If it weren't for all the people in this forum, most of our pockets would have big holes in them right now feeding repair shops money to fix our beloved Aveo's.
ok so i am honing cylinder walls installing new rings bearings oil pump and oil pan if i dont get tired ill put the head on and then my new timing setwill post pics when i am finished hope for start up and test drive tomorrow evening... ive spent 600 dollars on just my rebuild stuff and if it spins a bearing or something i sure will be up set... i have some extra stuff from the engine if anybody is interested...
lol got tired and i am gonna pass out and hit it hard as soon as i open my eyes... i now have pistons, new rings, bearings, oil pump, and oil pan installed... all those torque and torque sequences are really time consuming... i took pics... lol i defiantly know an aveo inside and out now.