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    Thread: 2006 Aveo shuts off while driving

    1. #1
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      2006 Aveo shuts off while driving

      I posted this response in an old thread about the same problem "2007 Chevy Aveo STILL dies while driving...." just wondering if there is any other info out there. Thanks

      So I have an '06 Aveo with this problem. Also Manual transmission. Runs great then all of a sudden will shut of. Usually while driving but sometime while warming at cold start. Always starts right back up. I simply turn ignition all the way off for a few seconds and turn it back on and it starts right up. If i am driving i do not even pull over, just coast turn the key off and back on and boom back in business. Engine light always comes on but eventually goes off again. So if i am reading this thread correctly it was determined to be a bad PCM (or ECM whatever its called in these cars). If this is the case sounds like an easy fix. I can get a used one for fairly cheap and it just bolts on. What do you all think? Any new developments.....

    2. #2
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      Just an update. Based on the other thread about this issue I bought a used ECM for $65. Switched it out and problem solved. No more complete shutdowns while driving. She is throwing a code now for a general misfire (blinking Engine Light), but seems to be running fine. I'll give her a general tune up at some point and see if that takes care of the misfire code, but otherwise I'll live with it.

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Sometimes an worn spark plug will throw a code and run fine after warmup. I had a bad plug give hard acceleration and stuttering. I changed the plug and wire and it's fine now. Erase the codes with a code tool.

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