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    Thread: Add a DIC instrument cluster to a 2010 Aveo5 LS

    1. #71
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      Quote Originally Posted by wylee View Post
      At some point in the future I will run wire to a SPST momentary switch somewhere on the dash or steering column. For now, it'll stay on outside temperature.
      Sir, your approach is great. I am thinking about doing the same to my 2011 Aveo this month (maybe), but I need to clarify a couple of things first:

      - What is the best way to mark the area and cut the "membrane" that is currently covering the DIC?
      - Is it absolutely necessary to unsolder the LCD screen in order to solder wires for the switch?
      - Would a 40W soldering iron damage the LCD while unsoldering/soldering it?
      - Are there any precautions that need to be taken that you haven't mentioned?
      - Are there any risks for the dash/car in general?

      I am not a professional but I know my way around electronics and I can easily repair minor problems on various electronic devices, but nothing really advanced. I know how to properly solder, although my experience is somewhat limited. This would be a great project to do because DIC is one of the things I really miss on my car (that and fog lights), but I want to do it only if the results can be very close to stock looking.

      In the meantime I will look for a dash disassembling tutorial somewhere.

      Last edited by Callidus; 06-03-2014 at 07:57 AM.

    2. #72
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      I have what appears to be the same cluster. I have not taken out the cluster yet. Will the 2007 Aveo LS have this as well?

    3. #73
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      question for wylee or NB99Z

      On the off chance you guys are still getting notifications from this thread...

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      Instead of having to remove/reinstall the LCD to get to the part of the circuit board where the momentary switch is soldered, could you just cut away the white plastic area outlined in blue to reveal that part of the board underneath? (Dremel or use a hot tool to melt it?) This assumes the white plastic can be cut away without damaging the board beneath it.

      Destroying that portion of the white side would mean you couldn't install an OEM-looking plunger/switch solution -- you'd have to solder on wires & attach a switch elsewhere like wylee did.

      But it could be an faster/easier option for people wanting to do this.

    4. The Following User Says Thank You to MetroMPG For This Useful Post:

      MeekMark (06-20-2017)

    5. #74
      Should I keep it?
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      the easiest way to add the second button is parallel two buttons!!! School physics guys.

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    6. The Following User Says Thank You to Enjoyneering For This Useful Post:

      Daox (11-30-2017)

    7. #75
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Quote Originally Posted by Enjoyneering View Post
      the easiest way to add the second button is parallel two buttons!!! School physics guys.

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      Hello mate,
      Could you please give me more info on one button connection.i have done the above and now i only got km to gas station. Thanks!

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