Had head gasket replaced put back together had coolant system flush using the flush from part store. Car temp goes up straight to half way mark and its been sitting still all night long. when running you can hear boilng or bubbling right behind the sterring wheel. When remove the cap from resevoir there is the milky stuff again sometimes the water stays green with the anitfreeze and then if test drive and come back the milky stuff is back ugghhh temp gauge never went up to the H it stays at half way so what can me making it still be hot Radiator/waterpump stopped up still?? Gessh this car is a pain in the buttt fa real. When you disconnect all the hoses from coolant system water comes out clear so something is seems to be still clogged up and pushing back into the reservoir when that happened it cause the transmission to not go into gear and now there is a huge leak coming from the transmission. Transmission was fine going into gear and everything when test drive and came back and open bottle milky substance came out and then it stop going into gear and transmission started leaking fluid all this some way has something to do with one another has to be. There is brake light when step on brakes button is super hard and it want release unless you use screw driver and push the releease button. Then on top of all this drama the engine light on with a code about some sensor on transmission maybe this sensor has lot to do with leak and shifter not coming outta park. LORD HELP ME!! ANY ONE ADVICE THANKS!