i looked everywere in my dealer manual, i can't find how to change brake/clutch fluid, help me out boiz
i looked everywere in my dealer manual, i can't find how to change brake/clutch fluid, help me out boiz
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
look up online about bleeding brakes, if you can't follow what is going on, then do not attempt to do this yourself. it is universal for all cars, ABS if you have it, is an additional step, and can it more difficult
if you have to do it alone, i recommend buying a power bleeder of some sort.
i don't think bleeding the brakes, and changing the brake fluid is the same thingOriginally Posted by petrified.rabbit
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
yes it is, you just run more fluid through the system and bleed them until the new fluid comes from all four calipers/cylinders, you can tell the difference because it is clean..
you dont "drain" the system, it will make more work bleeding it, you keep it full and force all the old fluid out the bleeders..
crap, so is the clutch fluid in the same system?Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
your going to want to buy two of the bigger bottles since you will run through most of the first one getting the old fluid out. (or one of the huge bottles, quart i think?)Originally Posted by deniswhite1
if you have done it before you could get away with one, but make absolutely sure not to let the master cylinder run dry..
??? Clutch fluid?? Since when do they use fluid in the clutch? This is new to me..![]()
dealer manual says "brake/clutch fluid"Originally Posted by MetroAveo
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
i read that wrong, i have no idea how, i thought he said "how much fluid is in the system?"
the clutch bleeds via the same concept as brakes. but the bleeder and the pumping action are very different.
i personally think it is harder to bleed a clutch system.. most people have more trouble with it..
it is a separate system also.. has its own clutch cylinder.. but they both use the same fluid.
In the Hydraulically assisted clutch pedal.Originally Posted by MetroAveo