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    Thread: Bringing back from the dead

    1. #31
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      The first step in putting together my new radiator support. Santa (it's me) is bringing me a MIG welding rig. Just bought a tank of CO2/Argon mix for my welding rig.
      Name:  2014-12-17 13.00.26.jpg
Views: 574
Size:  303.6 KB

      I am ordering this welder from Northern Tool.
      Klutch MIG 140SI Inverter-Powered Wire-Feed MIG Welder — Spoolgun-Ready, 140 Amp Output | Wirefeed Welders| Northern Tool + Equipment

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    2. #32
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      Fun stuff. Do you know how to weld?

    3. #33
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Daox View Post
      Fun stuff. Do you know how to weld?
      Actually no, I don't. I guess I will have to learn. Years ago, I did learn Oxygen Acetylene techniques from my Grandfather. He owned a Volkswagen repair shop. He scratch built an air john boat out of Aluminum for gigging flounder. I miss him as he was cool as all get out and could engineer anything (like the rabbit).

      I have my old radiator support. I will be cutting that up and welding it together for practice. There are a lot of tutorials on the net and from what I read that MIG is the most forgiving.
      How to MIG Weld

      I found a tutorial on plug welding. That looks easy. Now I have to slap the metal together and weld it. Like the guy says you need seat time.
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    4. #34
      Aveo Whisperer 06T200's Avatar
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      A little practice makes perfect. The challenging part may be getting the dozens of 'locking pliers' on to clamp it good and flush with the inner structure, as everything needs to be 'locked in place' before you lay the first weld. Don't forget a welding helmet and thick gloves.

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      xintersecty (12-17-2014)

    6. #35
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      mig is easy, I teach my students to become decent welders in about an hour. its all about the basic step of pulling the trigger the same length of time without moving and repeat.

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      xintersecty (12-17-2014)

    8. #36
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      mig is easy, I teach my students to become decent welders in about an hour. its all about the basic step of pulling the trigger the same length of time without moving and repeat.
      The welder I am getting has a spot timer. Dang I am almost there!
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    9. #37
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      that video isn't too bad (i watched half of it on mute), that guy knows how to weld for sure, but those techniques are not going to work well on your sheet metal.

      I usually set the machine about 1/3 of the way for power, and 1/2 for speed. The gas is about 20 lbs.

      I tell people to start on clean metal, no holes, good ground. You want to see the wire when you weld. Put it on there, pull the trigger and don't move until the weld is about the size of a pencil eraser to less than 3/8". (decent size for sheet metal). It should sound like a nice fast hum, like sizzling steak, if it is not adjust your wire speed.. One you have the wire speed set, you then check that the weld is the "Same" on both sides of the metal. Too much build on the top, turn up the heat, burn through, or dripping on the bottom, turn it down. Once you have that. established, do it again and count. You should count to the same number and not move, this will give you the same size weld every time. I call these "dots" in my class. Then to plug weld, make a line, etc you just put your dots in the hole (plug) or connect the dots to make a line weld. (this is where seeing the wire is important, you put the wire right on the edge of the last dot to make the next one.) Then one you can make a nice straight line, you can lap two pieces of metal. (welding the line on the lower to absorb the upper)

      however you are mostly doing plug welds, and you pull the trigger and make a C to fill the hole.

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      xintersecty (12-17-2014)

    11. #38
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      Quote Originally Posted by xintersecty View Post
      The welder I am getting has a spot timer. Dang I am almost there!

      yes, so you would just that knob instead of counting.

    12. #39
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      I have ordered my front bumper based on Rabbit's suggestions and others here on the board. Here is a picture of the bumper I ordered off of ebay
      Name:  front.jpg
Views: 579
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      I have my front bumper off right now and it will be no problem to glue it own and get it primed and painted on a warm day.

      I do have a question about doing something to the back bumper. Would this fit? Has anybody have any experience with this?
      Name:  $_57.jpg
Views: 958
Size:  105.4 KB

      Here is the ebay link
      TR Style Polyurethane Rear Bumper Lip Bodykit Spoiler for 92 95 Honda Civic 3DR | eBay
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    13. #40
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      it wouldn't fit my back bumper, with that addition 09 stuff on it. The front bumper just cut it along the seam line. along the center grill and it fits nice.

    14. The Following User Says Thank You to petrified.rabbit For This Useful Post:

      xintersecty (12-21-2014)

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