The name might dictate a color?
How bout = Green Machine? lol
I did see a bright hue/neon green Aveo on here and it just looked bad ass, and nobody would miss you on the road!
The name might dictate a color?
How bout = Green Machine? lol
I did see a bright hue/neon green Aveo on here and it just looked bad ass, and nobody would miss you on the road!
This may sound like a weird suggestion but I propose you name your car Philomena. It's the name of a Phoenix from the same show as where Scootaloo's name came from; and if you know your mystical beings, a Phoenix is a fiery bird that is reborn from the ashes of its old body. And your aveo is like a Phoenix; it is being reborn from the remains of your accident from the deer.
Here is the most recent updates: I did some work on the car.
After I got it glued on, I did some test flexing and I heard the glue popping. I may have to pop it off and do more sanding and glue it again. This is my fault as I was too cheap to buy the 8115 structural adhesive. Well it's in progress.
The name Philomena is a good name and I get the cool reference however it's now in pop culture and a Judy Wrench Movie
Philomena (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Back on the wagon on progress now the rain has ended.
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looks like the 1st gen has more hanging off the ends than the 2nd gen.
Its tough to debate the glue. In having to manhandle my parts taking off all the bad primer, my students pulled part of the end off where it was only glued on, I know it would never face those kind of forces on the car, but I added two more rivets on each end to facilitate strength. They will me covered and molded.. So just more work. Your rivet heads appear a little bulkier than mine (or its just the picture) Mine are not quite countersunk, but they can be smoothed in fairly easily. The dimples where the rivet attaches helps too.
Once I get it off I can see what glue is needed. I have been taking pictures of my progress (and mistakes) to put together in an other DIY. The screws I used are have a nice big flat head on a self taping no. 6. I used those for the temporary mounting of the lip onto the fender. Believe or not, I actually do follow your methods. So once I am happy with the glue, I plan to re-drill the holes and come back through with rivets. I can not stand the idea of exposed screws. I want a clean bumper that has a factory look. In order to get that look, it means sanding, Bondo and primer.
The second part of the problem is the ends. I will have to cut the ends and mold a fiberglass line wheel well.
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Well my fears were well founded. The epoxy and filler combo I used did not work for a darn.
Going to knock down with a sander and use a different approach on prep and affordable glue.
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I was out of town over the weekend again. Worked on the lip again. Knocked down the old epoxy and then worked on the prep. I cleanup and sanded both sides. I used adhesive promoter. I put down an other layer of epoxy and glued the lip on.
I ordered some micro-balloons. I am going to use as a feathering material instead of bondo. It should have strong adhesion (epoxy) and will not shrink like bondo. Once I am done sanding down the feathering I will be able to use bondo for the lows/highs.
Glass microsphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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sounds like your making progress. If you cut the ends off the lip cleanly. you can insert them into the end and glue/fill them to create a finished edge. Just have like 1/2" of the end and sand it to overlap and go inside the ends.
what a retrofit