I apologize that your epoxy job hasn't worked out for you on the bumper. What did you use?
Is the shape that too far off? Mine almost snapped into place (lip in wheel well and played in place), so maybe it is the closer fitting parts that helped.
I apologize that your epoxy job hasn't worked out for you on the bumper. What did you use?
Is the shape that too far off? Mine almost snapped into place (lip in wheel well and played in place), so maybe it is the closer fitting parts that helped.
Thanks for pronunciation tip.
xintersecty (02-27-2015)
Well it fits. I think the epoxy is fine, I just had not finished it. It got cold again and I went on a trip. I need to fix a rivet or two and then epoxy in the rivets and feather the top lip. Once done, and sanded I can then sand and prime. I used the same lip as you did. I had to trim a bit here and there to make it fit.
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Last edited by xintersecty; 02-27-2015 at 08:57 AM.
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OK, had great weather today. Monday night I fixed all my rivets and recessed the ones sticking up. Today at lunch I put on a epoxy slurry to smooth out the transitions and then followed with bondo. The epoxy forms the structure and the bondo for the touch-up.
sagging epoxy slurry
Taking care of the ends
The rest of the pictures are stuck in internet land. Once I get my phone on the network again, I will post the rest.
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Yeah the pictures finally came off the phone.
bondo and sand
Blended transition
First coat of primer. See how the lip really is part of the bumper
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One more pic
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Nice progress! Looks like you're picking up the body working stuff pretty well to me.
Thanks that's a nice compliment. I pushed hard last night and got most of the rough stuff done and a coat of primer before the rain came. Tonight, I will start digging into the electrical and doing to fine bondo and sanding work. Once done I will shoot again with a grey primer and do a finish sand. Hopefully Saturday I should be able to shoot a final color and gloss.
It's spotted from the rain drops. I need to get my car back on the road! My truck drinks gas!
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Nickelbawker (02-26-2018)
Wooohoo! Glad to see the wheels of progress are in motion again! Looking good!