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    Thread: Bringing back from the dead

    1. #101
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      More progress. Now it's time to move onto electrical work

      1) Mount my super "Git The F out of the way Horns"
      2) Redo the electrical to bypass the DLR module for my new lights
      3) Put in fog lights. I got the new stalk that supports fog lights

      Hopefully I will be working electrical tonight and putting things back together

      Now the pictures:

      Shoot grey on top of the black with more sanding and Bondo.
      Name:  2015-03-11 12.37.42.jpg
Views: 518
Size:  300.7 KB

      Now the front in color on the car. I painted it last night. It's not a great job and still wet from the mildew.
      Name:  2015-03-12 08.07.31.jpg
Views: 545
Size:  293.7 KB

      The side shot. This is how you put on the honda civic bumper on and have it look good. Leave it to Rabbit to set the standards. And besides, I am not going to be the dork ridding around with primer parts on my car. It maybe a cheapo-econo-box-special-value-purchase-aveo but I have my pride
      Name:  2015-03-12 08.07.40.jpg
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    2. #102
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      sounds like your making progress. If you cut the ends off the lip cleanly. you can insert them into the end and glue/fill them to create a finished edge. Just have like 1/2" of the end and sand it to overlap and go inside the ends.
      If you look at the above picture. This is exactly what I did. Thanks Rabbit!
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    3. #103
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      So here is a brief moment of insanity. I was swapping out the the lights/turn signal control. I found all the screws holding the clam shell together on the bottom. I got those out and it still would not come loose. Then I see the two screws at the front behind the steering wheel. I say the BIG F. Then I start talking the steering wheel off. I had to search town for a security T-50 (tamper proof). That took two trips as the person behind the counter could not find it the first time.

      So I am working on the center nut, and then I realize I need a puller. More #%$ words said. As I was turning the steering wheel around, I notice that the flat part of the top goes back enough to get access to the screw. So apologize to all the engineers I cussed when I was removing that part.

      Name:  2015-03-12 19.02.04.jpg
Views: 546
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    4. The Following User Says Thank You to xintersecty For This Useful Post:

      MetroMPG (03-13-2015)

    5. #104
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      I welded and mounted a bracket for the Super Truck Horns by Wolo.

      Love my welder. It's not a great job but it will do
      Name:  2015-03-12 20.16.24.jpg
Views: 543
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      The horns mounted on the bracket.
      Name:  2015-03-12 20.58.20.jpg
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      The bumper back on the car
      Name:  2015-03-12 21.12.02.jpg
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      I will write an DIY for the horn install.
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    6. #105
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      Oh wow! Big horns. YouTube??

      Despite being a big kid at heart, that's one mod I've never actually done, despite wanting to.

    7. The Following User Says Thank You to MetroMPG For This Useful Post:

      2010AveoLT (03-13-2015)

    8. #106
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
      Oh wow! Big horns. YouTube??

      Despite being a big kid at heart, that's one mod I've never actually done, despite wanting to.
      Oh, I would love to do a video on that. I used my air compressor to test them. They are super loud. I have not tested with the smaller air compressor. I will be wiring them up this weekend and closing things up. I left the regular horn on the steering wheel. I am planning to mount a switch on the center console for the horn labeled FU. I bought an extra hazard switch for that purpose and I was going to mod it. It turns out that the hazard switch is too complicated to re-purpose.

      Now you being a kid at heart, you can do this mod. Just read the DIY: http://www.aveoforum.com/forum/f94/t...ns-aveo-19440/
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    9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to xintersecty For This Useful Post:

      2010AveoLT (03-13-2015),MetroMPG (03-13-2015)

    10. #107
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      I am planning to mount a switch on the center console for the horn labeled FU.
      LOL! <--- For real, actually out loud. Always good to have chuckle in the morning. Thank you!

    11. #108
      LXV-SCOOTADRIVE, ON! 2010AveoLT's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
      LOL! <--- For real, actually out loud. Always good to have chuckle in the morning. Thank you!
      I got a pretty good chuckle out of that as well, although if I were to install Air Horns in Scoots, I'd likely call it my "Dumba$$ Horn"

    12. #109
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Did some more work on wiring. The Saturday rain slowed thing down.

      The headlights I bought have an internal turn signal. So I am patching off turn signal lights to get the turn signal.

      Here is the take off from the turn signal
      Name:  2015-03-15 18.26.37.jpg
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      The light going into the new headlight
      Name:  2015-03-15 18.26.44.jpg
Views: 519
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      The turn signal light in the new headlight
      Name:  2015-03-15 18.26.55.jpg
Views: 533
Size:  285.5 KB

      I plan to do a DIY and Review on how to install these lights. It's a wiring mess. They don't have a high beam or low beam lamp. It's two set's of projectors. The out most projectors is low beam and the inner most projectors is high beam. The LEDs are kinda week.
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    13. #110
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      I worked on getting the fog lights wired. I had bought a turn signal/light switch/with fog lights. As it turns out there is a wire there. HOWEVER I could never find it.

      I am including two pictures of the fuse box. I took it completely apart to show the wiring from under.
      Name:  2015-03-16 18.48.47.jpg
Views: 531
Size:  289.0 KB

      Here is an other view
      Name:  2015-03-16 19.22.49.jpg
Views: 518
Size:  297.3 KB

      So my solution to the fog light problem with pull back the cable cut, the wire (I should have spice wired it, too LATE) and soldered on a new one. I will be doing an instruction on how to wire fog lights.
      Name:  2015-03-16 19.39.34.jpg
Views: 532
Size:  277.9 KB

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