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    Thread: Chevy Aveo taking part in Mongolian Rally - raising money for needy kids

    1. #1
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      Chevy Aveo taking part in Mongolian Rally - raising money for needy kids

      (Raising money for needy kids ... sure, and also having an adventure of a lifetime!)

      Chevy UK is sponsoring a car in The Mongol Rally - a race across a third of the world from England to Mongolia, across 16 countries, a fifth with barely any roads, some at war, lots of corrupt officals and plenty of space for your imagination. And it has to be done in a car about the same size as a lawn-mower.

      We are Guy, Ed and Arnout – Our idea is to drive across the world to visit and raise money for some very unlucky children. We have the incredible sponsorship of Chevrolet to cover our costs and car so EVERYTHING from this page goes to HELPING OUR 2 AMAZING CHARITIES.
      Car specs:

      • petrol/gasoline 4 cylinder
      • 1.2L
      • 5 speed
      • with a mighty 109mph (175kmh) top speed and 13.6seconds 0-60

      (Though it looks slightly more modified than stock.)

      Route, below, as suggested by Google Maps . But the punch line is: there is no set route. However you want to get there, it's up to you. There are only 2 check points: a party at a Czech point in the Czech Republic and a party at the finish line in Ulan Bator.

      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chevrolet.Charity.Rally

      Support the team's charity: Lets give the kids a home! -- Indiegogo

      About the Mongol Rally: Mongol Rally | The Adventurists.

      Attached Images Attached Images  

    2. #2
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      Jealous. I once came *this close* to being sponsored to do a rally going the other direction, from Beijing to Paris. Looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!

      I made a wee donation to their chosen charity on behalf of AveoForum.com

      Good luck, guys - shiny side up!!

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car? VilSouth's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
      Route, below, as suggested by Google Maps . But the punch line is: there is no set route.
      Name:  563890_355401984533395_1347651312_n.jpg
Views: 1259
Size:  68.8 KB

    4. #4
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      2 weeks in – made it to Baku in Azerbaijan! Passport and laptop stolen and 5 days of admın hell trying to get all visas sorted. Met the SOS Children in Austria and now have a big gift from them for Mongolian village. Also met with great SOSers in Hungary and across the caucauses. Total fundraising from all sources has just topped 5000pounds! Thanks so much. 33 hour ferry to Kazakhstan tomorrow (apparently no toilets or seats on board… just us and the cargo! Going to be rough!!)

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