need cruise control for my 04 aveo manual, what are my options?
need cruise control for my 04 aveo manual, what are my options?
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
check this thread.
4 wheels, 4 doors, 4 cylinders, 8 speakers, and 1 loose nut on the steering wheel driving the car!
Orange_Crush (09-14-2018)
thats why i said i have 2004 aveo (its not drive by wire)
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
you need a kit like this
Enjoy. Instructions to install at that link too.
I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.
Orange_Crush (09-14-2018)
great thanks, looks like its goba be a bitch to install, maybe i should go for an oem unit insted?
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
My guess is the car is all wired for the oem one. all you need is the harnesses and throttle controller. It would be plug and play is what I'm saying.Originally Posted by deniswhite1
I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.
anyone know how i can check if the car is alrady wired for cruise?Originally Posted by ontarian_frog
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
you might be able to use the diy, same idea, but instead of picking up the signal from the pedal for throttle position, it will come from the throttle body.. thats the main difference.
i'm not saying it would just go right in, but with some wiring diagrams, or just trying it, it might work..
my 04 is drive by cableOriginally Posted by petrified.rabbit
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
you asked about wiring, that is what is was saying, the wiring might be about the same (in the car)
obviously you need an actuator thing for open the throttle, and such..