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    Thread: Did I screw up?

    1. #1
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      Did I screw up?

      How many drain plugs are on the bottom of the engine block? I went ahead and gave it a shot to change my oil, I really only took one glance and removed the drain plug on what I believe was the oil pan, never saw a stock one with cooling fins before though. I drained the oil into the pan, it seemed rather thin but was only roughly 3 to 4 quarts. Let it drip out for 10min. I changed the filter, and then filled it up with 3.5 quarts. Checked the dip stick and it was above the max line. Figured it was run off. Checked it again 6 hours later after letting it sit, and it was still above the max line. Ok, kinda odd. I doubled checked the oil change tutorial and it said the drain pan plug was a 17mm. I used a 15mm..

      I drove the car around, it seems fine. But after about 40mi it started to smoke and sputter. There is no possible chance I drained the tranny fluid is there? That would be like 15 quarts that would drain out right?

      07 Automatic 16v Sedan

    2. #2
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      i think you did drain the tranny. was the bolt on the drivers side? if so it was the tranny.

      BEFORE you do anything, add tranny fluid running low is bad, but you might not have damaged it TOO badly as there was another amount of fluid in it..

      drain the engine, run two-3 qaurt through it and back out the pan, and then put the drain plug back in and fill it up and rechange the filter.

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      How much tranny fluid does an automatic take?

    4. #4
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      I *had* the same thing happen to my aveo, if you have the manual it tells you the right amount/type to put in for the transmission. I drove mine for about 3 minutes and the same thing happened, changed it again right on the side of the road, the tranny shifted a bit rough for the next couple of miles but it has been perfect for the last 20k miles or so, they are strong. On the other hand, I blew my valve cover gasket, but no other damage or problems have occurred.

    5. #5
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      Well, girlfriend has the car now. I am packing up the truck with tools to go do emergency work in her works parking lot haha.

      Before I leave, Do I need any special tools to refill the tranny? Is it a side fill? Can anybody give me a quick run down? I appreciate it!!

    6. #6
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Dude! you have my deepest empathy. I was going to rip this thread based on your title (it is tempting) and to read such a story. Here is a link to an other thread on this board regarding auto tranny. http://www.aveoforum.com/forum/f108/...n-filter-8930/

      Rabbit, I found your instructions confusing. Did you mean run two to three quarts of automatic transmission fluid through the transmission? A poor mans flush?
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    7. #7
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Haha thanks man! Such a weird setup and design, I didn't even think to put two and two together until the symptoms hit...

      Well, I'm going to the GF's work. Going to dump 3 or 4 qts of cheap ATF fluid in, and drain some of the oil. Let her drive it home, and then replace the AT filter(only $20 at checkers), and fluid with some mobile 1. Then do another oil change. Hopefully there isn't much damage done.

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      What's wrong with my car?
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      All is well... other than the fact that the girlfriend got a flat tire when she was taking it home... What a day! Pictures to come for the tranny filter thread.

    9. #9
      jay is offline
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      ok this one is obvious ther are two drain plugs on the bottom side of the aveo on is for the oil (passenger side ) and the other is for the autotransaxle (drivers side ) most auto trans dont have a drain plug you have to drop the pan to change the fluid what you probably did is drained he ATF thinking it was oil then put th drain plug in then changed the oil filter and added oil to the engine so the engine had probably 7 or 8 quarts of oil and the trans has no trans fluid (except wat was left in the torque converter and a few other places ) so the seals in the engine may be shot and the trans might be permanantly damaged what you need to do is drain the oil compleatly out (undoing the correct plug) and then replace the oil then refill the transmission and to the right level and drive it for a while see your manual on how to check the level it isnt difficult and then drop the trans pan (18 little bolts ) change the fluid and the filter and gasket replace the pan by tightening all the bolts finger tight then bolt by bolt tighte them in a pattern going to the opposite bolt from the one you tightened and torque them to 90 inch pounds not foot pounds and then refill the trans to the proper level .

      Last edited by jay; 10-17-2012 at 12:22 AM.

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