Picked mine up on Wed.
First 3/4 tank - 32 mpg
Picked mine up on Wed.
First 3/4 tank - 32 mpg
Thanks for the replies guys! Seems like small things that happen on many other brands of cars also! Good to know!
It's pretty hard to gauge fuel economy this year with all the snow storm we got. I'll have to wait until spring to really see! I also need to pass the breakin for that to be better!
2008 Aveo LS Sedan Manual - Flame Red
Detailer at heart!
you can get advertized mpg or better you just gotta drive like grandma and stay below 3000rpmsOriginally Posted by Bigs
^^ Yeah I know. That's with any manufacturer. They don't consider cold, heat, hills, wind etc when they calculate that.
2008 Aveo LS Sedan Manual - Flame Red
Detailer at heart!
I've had a few little problems and it was ALL covered under warrenty. I take it in for regular oil changes, take good care of it, wash it and I don't drive it hard, it's just a little Korean econobox. 23,000kms. it's an 06' and I am really happy with it.
Also with my $38.00 cruise control I've gotten 47mpg imp. at 120kms ALL highway tank to tank.
HOpe yours treats you well.
06' Aveo
07' Liberty
1973 VW Bug. Full resto. summer toy.
Thanks Mang!
I have done a good trip this weekend and I got really good milage! Now, I'mm have to wait until next fillup to calculate but for the 1st 1/4 tank, I was able to put 260KM's. But if this car is like many others, the top 1/4 is huge.
2008 Aveo LS Sedan Manual - Flame Red
Detailer at heart!
they do now.. it says something about it in the gm brochure for 08 carsOriginally Posted by Bigs
Yeah, don't use portions of a tank to calculate MPG.
I got 200mi out of "half a tank" my last fill up... if the gauge was accurate that would've been almost 37mpg!
All in all I usually average between 30 and 32 mpg. I do about 90% highway driving. with 80% of that spent at 75-80mph.
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
I had to replace my crank sensor, part and labor was roughly $230 ish.
I am NOT a race car driver.
I am NOT a race car driver.
I am NOT a race car driver.
My car is fine so far... I do need to get some new tires though. Living closer to work helps because before I lived nearly 30 miles away and I would drive like a bat outta "not heaven". Thats about it.