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    Thread: Highest Mileage Aveo (how many miles / km on yours now?)

    1. #291
      Should I keep it?
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      Thats funny --- 190,000 miles, still running on the original factory fuel pump from 04. Still registers on the gauge on the money.

    2. #292
      Should I keep it?
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      My 08 aveo has 67k on it with a timing belt kit in the mail awaiting warmer weather to put it all in (Will be a new venture for me). Mostly shes been good to me, Awhile back something on the road deflowered the front exhaust flex pipe and needed to be replaced because I was tired of hearing the engine. That whole ordeal turned one simple problem into a complete exhaust repair that ended in the cat being welded to the front pipe (not bolted) and all the flanges being reconstructed due to rusted bolts that broke in the process of fixing the original problem.

      Yeah she threw me in the dirt for 2 days but at least I dont have to hear her moan all the time

      Ohh and replaced the rear lights with direct LED replacements to try and stop the dimming/high draw of everything when brakes are applied (It worked).

    3. #293
      Simple & Clean :) AndrewButler05's Avatar
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      Mine started doing a slight dimming when applying the brakes, especially if the AC and blower were on. My battery was 6 years old so I replaced it with one with higher cranking amps and just a larger battery in general. Nothing dims now. LED's will help, but mine was the battery. It would read the correct voltage, but the amperage just wasn't there anymore. You could also hear it taking a bit more of an effort to start, so that day I went to NAPA and bought a new battery. I wasn't going to be one of those people who walks out to a dead battery, or it just won't start.

      I replaced both of my dome lights with large LED "bulbs" and now the cabin and trunk are filled with light. I never realized how dim the old LED bulb I put in was when the factory bulb finally died. lol

      Just my two cents.

      Last edited by AndrewButler05; 04-06-2016 at 02:53 PM.

    4. #294
      Should I keep it?
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      Im on my seconed battery although I didnt go for a higher amperage and the dimming never went away. It's not a drastic dim but more of an annoyance. I think the rear taillight was a bad design choice over the older models because it runs two (dual filament) bulbs per light instead of one so when the brakes are applied its pushing 8 filaments versus 4 for the brake lights alone.
      Last edited by RBRx; 04-07-2016 at 04:51 AM.

    5. #295
      Simple & Clean :) AndrewButler05's Avatar
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      I think it does look really cool to have both sets, and it's different. Realistically, you're correct. That's a lot of amperage to push to those bulbs. Plus everything else that's already running. Not to mention the third brake light as well, it has 5 mini bulbs in it.

      Mine reads 14.1v all the time, and there's only one way I can get it to drop to 13.9v and that's as far as it will ever drop.

      Turn everything on, High beams, Running Lights, Blower, A/C, Brake Lights, Kenwood Radio & My Kicker Hideaway turned up, Rear Defog + Heated Mirrors, and the wipers on if it's been pouring rain. Hell, I even opened the door and let my two big LED dome lights come on and the strip I added in the trunk and still nothing dims and it will NOT go lower than 13.9v. lol



    6. #296
      What's wrong with my car?
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      New Guy here, just revived this Aveo I have. 151,000 on the clock in miles and with a new engine and clutch and flywheel, who knows how far it will go.

    7. #297
      Should I keep it?
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      Quote Originally Posted by Aveo_Dr View Post
      New Guy here, just revived this Aveo I have. 151,000 on the clock in miles and with a new engine and clutch and flywheel, who knows how far it will go.
      They're good little cars I have two 2004's one with 115k the other 183k......watch the timing belt, the plastic thermostat housing & the valve cover gasket.

    8. #298
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Quote Originally Posted by old n' slow View Post
      They're good little cars I have two 2004's one with 115k the other 183k......watch the timing belt, the plastic thermostat housing & the valve cover gasket.
      I did a new valve cover gasket when I put the engine back together, also new timing belt and component kit and a metal thermostat housing and thermostat. This is my second Aveo, my first was an 04 new.

    9. #299
      What's wrong with my car?
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      New here, just hit 170k on my 07 aveo, original engine, although she's starting to give me a hard time now.

    10. #300
      What's wrong with my car?
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      06 Chevy Aveo with 211000 miles the only thing that's ever been replaced is the wheel bearings and brakes

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