2011 chevrolet aveo my kilometers currently is 127 654 on the clock
2011 chevrolet aveo my kilometers currently is 127 654 on the clock
I recently bought a 2009 Aveo 5 with under 2,000 miles that was kept in a garage, waxed a few times, with a battery maintainer on it all of the time. When the car was new, the battery was bad so the dealer put in a new AC Delco battery. The battery still works as well as when the battery was new.
Guys, a battery maintainer is worth the $25 to $40, especially on rigs that sit most of the season.
My 2008 Aveo 5 has 53,000 miles on it. I am car poor (too many cars) so I don't put a lot of miles on each car.
Hi, I started this thread, mine has been recently "unallocated" at exactly 190,000 miles. Still runs excellent, drives fair, body in bad shape from salt.
Find Aveo How-to's at my blog. http://aveodiy.blogspot.com/
Timing belt replacement how-to with photos and more....
My 08 aveo5 is currently at 223,000 miles
Mines somewhere around 254,600 miles running strong too and I know someone who lives by me with one almost at 300,000 miles but there transmission is about to go out he didn't say how the motor was so I imagine it's fine (thinking about buying it off him for the body)
Oh btw mines an 04 I forgot what year his is but it's close to mine I think it was an 06
First post... I have a 2009 LS bare-bones model that I purchased new for $9,500. I just hit 250,000 miles (402,336 km) a couple of weeks ago. One of the best investments I've ever made.
Mine is already 138390 on my aveo 2006 LT sedan. Now it has an intermittent stalling problem. Chevy shop cannot solve the problem the time I brought to them.![]()
('07 LS) i hit 180,000 miles last week, purchased it for $3,000 two years go with 115K ... based on how it's ran so far, i would think 300K is definitely doable, maybe more
Last edited by Sidnubs; 05-19-2019 at 11:44 AM.
Hi Guys,
I have a 2011 Chevrolet Aveo Sedan 1.6 l/s Auto, i have 132 000kms on the clock. I just find that because i have 17'' mags on my car the wheel bearings get damaged fast. Just 1 month back i changed my brake shoes and drums now saving up to sort the front wheel bearings and my front brakes. I use safe line brakes on my car.
Angelo from South Africa the city Durban.