I have a 2009 with keyless entry. Can this thing be programmed? I would like to remove the horn beep when I unlock the doors. There is nothing in the owners manual. In my past cars there was several functions that could be done.
I have a 2009 with keyless entry. Can this thing be programmed? I would like to remove the horn beep when I unlock the doors. There is nothing in the owners manual. In my past cars there was several functions that could be done.
Just looked around on the internet a bit, and it sounds like you might need to call your dealer and ask them (which would be a good idea to begin with). Other GM owners are saying something about GM scan tool you can use to program all kinds of things about your car (remote specifically), but I'd be guessing it depends on your car whether you can program the horn or not (we had an opposite questions about an 03 Toyota Matrix, we wanted to enable the horn on lock sine just the blinking lights are not always enough for some people), but no luck. It may be easier to disable the horn then to enable it though...
Try your dealer to begin with though, they might do it for free if you ask nice enough..
2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS/TC - SOLD
Just seems odd a simple thing like this would have to go to the dealer to do this. I've had 5 other GM cars in the past 15 years with remote and can be programming by me. Maybe it's because this car was made in Korea and not here.
Or maybe because it's newer and now they can do everything by plugging into it. I don't know what other cars you had or what years they were, but most older cars you can program by doing some sort of "open door - turn key - close door - honk twice" type of sequence...
It's a little harder with some newer vehicles though... just like installing a remote start on a car with a factory security system can't be done without a use of specialized tools to program everything.
2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS/TC - SOLD
Usually you can program it from your radio Do this test Put the key in the igniton put it on AC and tap the Settings button and it usually gives you a menu of things to do. See my 2006 Aveo doesn't have this but my dad's Impala and my Mom's G6 has this function.
Impala and G6 are in different classes of cars too though... My wife's HHR 2LT has a lot more options that can be changed than my Aveo does... And what would you do if you went with an aftermarket radio then?... Either way, if it works for him - that's cool. But I think it's worth it to give his dealer a call. It shouldn't hurt.
2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS/TC - SOLD
There is no settings button on my car. I will check with the dealer about this.
I keep forgetting that the Aveo is Korean My bad, you see when i lock my car it chirps but I asked the dealer about making the horn sound instead of the chirp but they said what they told my mom on the Impala. Which is a completely unrelated car and why would that dealer say that to me when.
LOL... 'cause they're a dealer. I hope it was a tech you were asking there...The whole point of a dealer is to sell you a car. That's their money maker. And I think their service department lives off of fleet services - guaranteed money... Especially GM being a vehicle of choice for most of government agencies. He's gonna know a lot more about an impala and a tahoe than an aveo or a cavalier.
Just my $0.02
2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS/TC - SOLD
I have a 09 with keyless entry....yours has a hornbeep when u unlock it?? Mine does when I lock it but not when I unlock it.Originally Posted by fljohnboy
2009 Tahiti Green Aveo5 named Kalos
Tinted windows
Blacked out chevy emblems/license plate cover